Monday, January 24, 2011

_of Searching for Nice Blogs (Part III)

P.S. Check out my Part I, Part II and extra (chickens included).

Okay. It has nothing to do with the contents of this post.

  I will admit it, I rarely read other people's blogs. Yes, it is the usual excuse again, i.e. "I-have-no-time-I-can-barely-keep-up-with-other-things" (in my situation, the "other things" are sleeping and eating).

  You may ask, then... What about studying? Don't you study at all? Yikes. I do. I really do. Trust me, will you? But studying is the main part of my student life, that writing about it will defeat the purpose of having a blog. I might as well just Face-the-Book (!).

I don't have any idea what this means.
I went astray again. Reverse...

  I found some very interesting blogs. I don't know them. I read them. I stalk follow them. And thanks to the "advanced" technology, I know everything I can about them and THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW I'M ALIVE!!! Woo-hoo!


  But here they are. It's worth mentioning, by the way. 

Malaysian Bloggers and their Blogs:

1. Kenny Sia, from

  They claim any Malaysian blogger who doesn't know Kenny Sia is NOT a typical, pure, authentic Malaysian blogger. "They", I repeat. It is such a wonderful word that signifies a plural community. ^_^

2. Tea Tarik drinker, from

  I first stumbled upon this blog when I was searching for food outlets in Damansara. Read the entry here. Unfortunately, I still haven't get the chance to go to the restaurant. Oh well. Typical me.

  However, I find some of the posts rather enlightening. Oh. And the coincidence that the blogger is a law-graduate.

3. Ken Wooi, from

Outcomes of reading the blog:

  (a) I realize that PJ is in the vicinity of Klang Valley.
  (b) Finally, there is someone who doesn't gush over the greatness/fantabulous-ness of Klang Valley. (Read it here)
  (c) A young blogger can be a famous blogger. Though I notice he doesn't like to be called "famous". Hmmm...

and an extra blog to be mentioned:

Nikilesh G: He is a Nuffnang staff, if I am not mistaken. Doesn't blog much. In fact, I think he just started blogging recently. But it is good to see a fresh page, not overloaded with words, but at the same time, able to present the thought to you efficiently.

And now, I am officially a stalker.

Can I get one stalker too?

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