Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Magnolia Sherbet a Day Gives-Me-Chance-To-Win-Nuffnang-Contest-But-Only-If-I-Can-Find-It-Today

  Another Nuffnang contest. About the new F&N Magnolia Sherbet which came out recently a few days a few weeks ago. And I want to enter. Oh! You wouldn't want to know how much I wish to enter. But this happens:

My best GH pose.

  Yes, I took the above picture using my  Green Hornet picture. But can you blame me if I cannot even find a tab pint quartz "bowl" of Magnolia Sherbet even though the Jusco One Utama is the first in its "Selected Outlets" list?

  Fear not, people! I shall write this entry to the end (I'm sure this will annoy the Nuffnang staffs, I am sorry) as though I have the sherbet with me all this while. 

_on How to Win $$$ in this Nuffnang contest:

1. A Blog Post/Title

-> "A Magnolia Sherbet a Day gives-me-chance-to-win-Nuffnang-contest-but-only-if-I-can-find-it-today".

Catchy? Check.

Unusual? Check.

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? 
You bet!

2. Favourite Magnolia Sherbet flavour

  The sherbet is available in 4 (!!!) flavours; Lychee, Mangosteen, Melon and Orange. And due to the reason mentioned above, I shall use the power of deduction bestowed to me (Miss Sherlockiah Holmesah) to pin-point rather vaguely which is my Favourite Flavour.

No. Not the Ouija Board. Can't you see that it said "No"?

Sherbet = 4 flavours. Coin = 2 sides. THAT bad in Maths?

Sherbets don't have legs to climb up the trees...

...nor are they fishes.


  I refuse to give up. Let's see what we have in here. Lychee, mangosteeen, melon, orange... Lychee, mangosteen, melon, orange... Lychee, mangos---

Sigh. Can't I like ALL already?

  Well, no one told me that I HAVE to choose one, have they? So, Miss Sherlockiah Holmesah shall like them all.

You cannot press this button. This is NOT facebook.

Last but not least...

3. Include pics with favourite flavour

Miss Sherlockiah Holmesah cannot find her Magnolia Sherbet.

Neither do the two poor little pets above.

And now I blow my chances to enter a contest.


-The End-

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