Tuesday, February 1, 2011

_of Being Gone (Part II) & Tune Talk

Part I is here.

  I love writing so much, that I think I want to update more before I stop. For Chinese New Year, that is. It is not like I am going anywhere... soon...

  I have been selected to view a mobile prepaid service, Tune Talk (details here). Nuffnang asked us (the 50 lucky people) to get the SIM Card in their office. However, I am not around, so my prize gift chance to review is revoked. Sigh.

  Better luck with collecting prizes gifts chances next time. ^_^

P.S.: I can't get the Nuffnang widget to work in my page. Shall try again later. 

[Update: Done with the midget widget. It's cute, named Alien.]  

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