Saturday, February 12, 2011

_of Coming Baaaaaaaaaaaccckkkkk & A-i-r-p-l-a-n-e

Yes, I will be do.
  As you can see, I am back.




  I'm sure you did not hear me right. I said: I am Baaaaccccckkkkkkkkkk.

That is just mean.

  Just to get myself to feel a tiny bit better, the reason is this:

  Well, at least some "people" missed me. Ah well. But, since I am already back, I will be getting on your nerves again, shall I? Good.

_of A-i-r-p-l-a-n-e...

  Nope. I am NOT talking about the B.O.B. feat Hayley's Airplane song. I don't even know what her full name is. Is it Williams? It must be. "William" is a very "IN" (or if you are in Twitter, they called it "trending" there) name right now, because of 29th April 2011. *hint hint*

  I just came back from my hometown, as you can see from the lack of posts/entries around. 

With this.

  A small group of people (very very small) think that it is posh to go back using this mode of transportation. But if you live somewhere across the oceans/seas...

  There are a few things about this journey of mine that you MIGHT just be a tiny bit interested to know...

1. of why the stewardess next to you gets on your nerves?

2. of why the airplane is associated with superpower heroes?

3. of where the fire comes from?

  Of course, NONE of these happened.


Happy Lunar New Year again, people! ^_^

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