Saturday, October 30, 2010

_of Evidence Assignments

  Three essays waiting to be thought of, written down and handed-in to my lecturer. Hmmm. So far, I have THOUGHT about it. 

It is a good progress.

 -> I might need to resort to this kind of excuses. The lecturer has been nagging us for the essays. Saying that we are "naughty students". Yikes.

 -> Whoever that says this to me in the next couple of weeks will get a Look from me. There is no "thinking outside the box" for these essays. I. Just. Need. To. Write. Them. Out.
After thinking about it, of course.

Which may take a few weeks. At least.

 -> This, meanwhile, might just happens if the lecturer keeps nagging us on Monday. I know that it is unlikely to get an answer for "Evidential Problems" in Wiki, but hey, at least I try. Right?

 -> This is how my life will look like in these few weeks, before the Winter Holiday.

 -> While this WILL DEFINITELY happens in a few hours' time.

Dear Me,

 The best of luck with the essays. Gambatte.

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