Saturday, October 9, 2010

_of Laziness on a Saturday (Part I)

P.S. Listening to "Have You Ever Loved a Woman" while writing a post makes me even more lazy.

 -> I know. For someone my age, Laziness is off the topic. However, on such a nice Saturday like today (without the inconvenient existence of Q.L.), I think a bit of Laziness is allowed.

 -> Q.L. is not dead, nor is she missing. She is just gone for the weekend, and therefore, her disappearance is fully celebrated.

 -> I can assure you 100% that she will feel the same the time I will be gone next. But until that time is here, I. Am. Going. To. Enjoy. This. Moment.

 -> This happened a few hours ago. Not the "Later" section, but three boxes before it. Even though I fully realized that I am still on the Road to Recovery, I succumbed to the temptation of having this as my lunch...

 -> I was so lazy to cook and to do anything else that I used my JPod book (written by Douglas Coupland) as the cover of my instant noodle cup. Needless to say, they survived. Both the noodle and the book.

 -> And I know it, too. With my current health issue in question, I should not be having instant noodle as lunch. (Behave like an adult! Blah blah blah) I had my own share of bad consequence. The noodle tasted so ridiculously bad that I fear the rashes in my mouth came back. 

 -> Thank God, it didn't. But the food still tasted bad.

And I apologize...
But it did not stop me from becoming like this:

So what? Sue me.

P.S. I should stop writing like that. Coz I know with public conscience developing around the world, there may be a time when there is someone on Earth who WILL sue me. Just for the heck of it.

 So, I will change it to...

I'm thinking.

I'm thinking...

 Yes. I do blame it on the blank page/monitor screen, and I do believe it IS caused by evil pencils or evil laptop keyboard.

 They both mean.

 I might become like this next.

And when that happens...

 This will definitely follow.

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