Saturday, June 4, 2011

_of Post Exam Effects

*start screeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaammminnnnnggggg*
  Funny how everyone started talking about the exams after it is over. And before you ask, I won't tell you a single thing about MY exams. However, since I know you people will never ask, I better tell you all about its after-effects. And bore you to death while I am on it.

1. The Lack of Sleep.

For illustration purposes only (I mean, come on guys, do you really think I'm THAT bald?)

  What so ironic about it was that we didn't manage to get any sleep only during the night before the exams. There's always a reason for it.

Me being cool before exam and whatnot.

Yeah, right.

  Trying to keep the spirit of a student alive, of course I did this instead...

Not LITERALLY, of course. Last time I checked, I never had that kind of superpowers.

And believe me, I did check.

  It wasn't "nice" to cram law facts at the last minute, because you can get a lot of unimaginable and unthinkable consequence weird stuffs happening to you, which brings us to the second effect.

2. A never-ending list of illnesses.

  Like mentioned before, "cramming" law facts at the very last minute is no fun to be dealing with. There's no way you would want to go to SMC or TMC for check-ups, you might just need to grit your teeth and bear with it.

  Those illnesses come in various ways, from the most usual ones...

...greenish like The Hulk...

...throwing up last night's dinner...
to the most unusual yet very common reactions..



I am (repeat after me) Miss Desperado~~

  Okay. Let's just cut it out.

3. Other Miscellaneous Problems.

  You would think that the stuffs ended right at above, didn't you? It goes on after the exams... finding a 1001 possible treatments using aspirins...

...having wisdom tooth to grow... (this actually happened to Q.L.)


...looking dead smug (coz there will not be ANYTHING left to do for another 3 months)...

and finally...

Being. Just. Downright. Crazy.

Trust me on this, because I've been there, and I've done that. Uggh.

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