Monday, June 6, 2011

_of Searching for Nice Blogs (Part IV)

p.s. I might need a complete index for "Nice Blogs I've Read" very much sooner than I thought it will be if this continues. By the way, just check out Part III, it also linked to the other Parts available.

This is NOT the correct depiction of yours truly.
  I reckon it is a teeny bit late to introduce the Sharing Machine Comic (nope, it's not technically called a blog, it's rather a comic-blog, or coblic, if you wish), but whatyoudoknow, I still want to introduce it.

Behold, Natalie Dee 

  I am not sure what do you expect me to write about this coblic, but from time to time, I often get my ideas to write my entries from them. Oh, you say you wanna check out some pics from the website? Here goes...
It's the Frog from my previous entry.

   So, apparently (WH's Favourite Word of the Month), I love the coblic so much, that I would like to show you some more comics...







You wish. Go check it out yourselves at Natalie Dee, why don't you? And be nice about it. Cheerios!

What I wished fervently could happen.

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