Saturday, July 9, 2011

_of Being Yellow-ish?

  I think it is time to stop all this craziness about Yellow, don't you think? Coz 9th July is going to end soon, so instead of thinking of...

...Yellow being the New White (???)

...which kind of makes you think really; if Yellow = New White, then what is White? Old White, is that so? What is Old White, by the way?

Google told me this is an Old White. Makes you wonder, don't you think?

and also...

...DigiMan being arrested. Come on, guys. That person is everywhere.
How on Earth could you catch him? 
(please note that Everywhere here is not defined by Everywhere in the Whole World, but rather an Everywhere where certain RedMan and BlueMan are not capable of hanging around).

  Therefore, in order to be normal-ish again, let's go back to think of Yellow being associated with...

...small chicky chicky...

...a very reliable bus in relation to going to school... emotional SpongeBob (andpleasestoptalkingaboutCapitalismwhilewearehere,too)...

and also...

...whatever that is.

  And last but not least, let's not resort to violence by showing love to our country, just like the things you do on every Saturday for Mother Earth. 

Oh wait. You don't know what happen today?

  I would say, Good for you, young sirs and ladies. And may God bless you!!!

Just a rough idea, I assure you.

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