Saturday, July 9, 2011

_of Get Well Soon

Dear YQ,

  I know having a fever sucks, and it gets worse if coupled with...

...coz most of the time they  do the procedure above, it is either because:

a) you have dengue;
b) you have some inexplicable/incurable diseases;
c) they simply have no idea why you are sick.

  And I am hoping that you will get (c), because, well, at least you know you are not in (a) or (b) kind-of situations, which in my opinion, are way much worse than the third one. You are still entitled to your own opinion, though (it has nothing to be with you being sick).

I take pride in being impartial, which I am 117.36% sure that you would not agree to that.

So, here wishing you a speedy recovery, and don't think too much. Yet.

I lied. I have a cat, but Iamsonotgoingtogiveittoyou.

  Rest well.

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