Friday, December 3, 2010

Cartoon character profile picture fever in facebook

When I opened my facebook lately i saw that my friends have a different profile picture using cartoon character,anime character, etc.When I first notice it i thought it was only a trend in facebook but there is a deeper meaning behind those profile picture.Little by little all my friends in facebook is adopting to this trend including me. I choose a cartoon character in cartoon network "Johnny Bravo" because for me it symbolizes a real man like Johnny Bravo.

This trend is not an ordinary trend but this cartoon character profile picture in facebook is a campaign against child violence.Until now I dont know who started this campaign and I know he or she knows how to use social networking site as a medium for this kind of campaign.One thing I am sure that this trend is only from the Philippines but hopefully it will be a global trend to let everyone knows in the world that we support this campaign.

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