Monday, December 27, 2010

_of Emo Time (Possibly When Reading a Novel)

  I know, I've promised that my previous entry would be the last "emo" entry that I've posted. However, sometimes a girl is only a human, and a human will only do as much.

  Allow me to digress a tiny bit. While leafing/scanning/skipping through reading a Chinese novel, I've came across this Preface (do you actually believe I've "accidentally" came across a Preface? I have to admit, I do have this weird disease of reading from front to back, line by line - including the Publisher Info.)

No wonder people say I look like this.
But I never believe them, coz I prefer this.

   So, back to the main point. The Chinese novel I mentioned earlier is this...

Yes, I know. It looks OLD. What to do? I am very 老派.

_of the preface I was talking about...


-- Excerpt taken from the novel 媒人请进门 by 蔡小雀

  Before you people come and bash me around the head, let me point out that this novel is available online here or here - for those who want to read the whole novel in full and with bigger font size than what is given above. 

  You may now ask, "what is so-big-deal about it?" This, Young Sirs and Madams, is how I feel these days. I am sure you had this kind of feeling...

...some time in the past.

...or some time in the future.

No? Well. You may just think of it as an academic question.

_of How to describe the feeling (or to translate the preface above)?

  How can you forget someone? When all that is in your mind is the memory of his presence, his smile - every slight expression that he had? He is the first image in your mind when you are awake; he is also the last image you would recall before you go to sleep... (and the preface goes on...)

  "But most importantly, how can you forget someone? When all your memory is filled with him; too strong until you cannot seem to remember how was it before he entered your life. 

  How can you forget someone? When you know deep down that all the things have ended, and yet you still cannot shake the tiniest flicker of hope away. 

  How can you forget someone? When you are constantly reminded of his presence, him being around you - even though with someone new.

  And tell me, how can you forget someone? When everything that he does remind you so much of everything in the past - the past which was all about him and you."
-- Not within the preface, these italic words are mine.


Maybe all I need is to keep the heart away...

Or maybe I need more time...

Or MAYBE, I just need this...

If I ask $5 for each hug, I will get... Err. Many many dollars in the future. Yay!!!

Or, I might be okay with...

...a pile of leprechaun gold

...a haunted mansion

...a talking car

...AND Danny Messer.

  Or just Danny Messer. One is enough. *wink wink*

P.S.: This post has become a joke in the end. So much for being an emo.

_of Something rather Related to the Haunted Mansion...

"You have a BRIGHT future, young one. Hold on to the dream. You can scare them away, trust me."

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