Wednesday, December 15, 2010

_of Letting It Go

  I've discussed with Q.L. about both the guys we liked. And we have found out something rather enlightening. It is the fact that we were not the ones who let go first, but they did, and therefore, we accept it as it is and there will not be any "remorse" later.

  I guess this makes us more mature as we believe that once you fall in love with someone, you can never let other people replace his/her place in your heart. Hence, the equation for them -> love + other people = not strong enough for us.

  Q.L. and I believe that this will be the only and the best solution for the four of us. Therefore, I hope that we can let it go, and try to move on with our own lives. And also, we still hope that there is The One out there waiting for us (one for each, that is. I do not intend to share any guys with Q.L. That will be EWWW).

  So, there will no longer be any "emo" stuff or posts about him. The last few posts were enough to show what was my feeling towards him, and I think that ought to do him justice. Therefore, let's move on with our exciting lives, and my New Year Resolution: Find the real me, without any more shadow of him.

Wish me luck, ^_^ 

P.S.: I wish him good luck for his new life, too. Obviously he is happy with the current life, that goes without saying. So, let's just pretend that we never crossed paths with each other. I think that will be the best way for both of us.

_of A Person Gone...

  Condolences given to N.F. Her grandmother passed away early last week. Hopefully, she will not deal in sadness for long. Time to move on, and be strong.

_of Something to Ponder About...

 -> Let's just not comment anything about this. It can get backfired really bad, you know.

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