Saturday, December 4, 2010

Myth about in getting abs

Men always wanted to have that six pack abs because it is good to look at and its way cool in getting girls.That is why many man like me wanted to have that six pack abs that athlete and models have.Getting six pack abs is very easy, its not what you think it is this myth will guide you to make your abs visible.

1.We can get abs if we do ab exercise
This is the worst major myth that we have for us to have that abs we need to do abs exercise which is very wrong.We cannot let our abs out when we do ab exercise.The first thing we need to do is to eat less and do a lot of cardio.Fats is formed first in our stomach and it will get off in our stomach too.Doing ab exercise having fats in your stomach will only make your stomach hard but your abs will not show.So if you are planning to let your abs  visible eat less and more cardio exercise.

2.Using ab gadgets
If you are planning to buy some gadgets or equipment that promise to make your abs visible then you are all ready ripped off by the company.If you want that abs to be visible you need to eat less and do more cardio exercise ab gadgets is no way helpful if you have that body fats.You need to eliminate first your body fats then do some ab exercise.

3.You can get abs by doing 8 minute ab exercise
If you believe this then you are doing wrong you cannot get an abs in doing 8 minutes ab exercise you need to do it 60 minute ab exercise and cardio.If you eliminate your body fats to enough level then you can do 60 minutes ab exercise.Abs is like other muscles you need to make your ab rest.

4.Special exercise to develop your lower abs
We always wanted to have that 8 pack abs specially in the lower ab we think that there are special exercise for lower abs the answer is none.the only secret in forming your lower ab is eating less and cardio if you can eliminate the fat in your lower ab then it will come out.

It will take time and dedication to let your abs form and visible.Eating less and doing a lot of cardio will eliminate your body fats then if you know it already you all ready have an abs it is only covered by fats if you can eliminate it then all you have to do is let your abs visible in just sometime.

This youtube video will help you understand more in what I mean.

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