Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Health Crisis in Haiti-Cholera Outbreak

Today Haiti again is facing a problem with regards to an health this mentioned that there is a cholera outbreak in haiti and above 1,000 people has cholera.The U.N immediately act  in this situation but because of the violence in North Haiti they cancelled the flights.An immediate response was done by the U.N sending soaps and other medical supplies needed in the country.The Haiti government sent there top officials to handle this situation in Haiti now.

The cholera outbreak began last month adding the problems they have in the last event that happened to Haiti.Slowly the outbreak is being felt in north Haiti where anger and violence is at hand.

"The health ministry said Tuesday that the official death toll hit 1,034 as of Sunday. Figures are released following two days of review."

"Cholera is transmitted by feces and can be all but prevented if people have access to safe drinking water and regularly wash their hands."

As violence continue the disease is still continuing to spread in Haiti some expert says that the disease can infect thousands of people if not prevented.However, help is coming the U.N and the WHO is doing its best to help and prevent the epidemic.

Instead of violence why not peace?There are reasons behind violence and protests but this is not the time for violence in the country this is the time for helping one another we the people are the creator of violence therefore we can always end violence if we try to look in some most important things going on.Violence is not the answer for peace or whatever reasons behind it only creates economic instability and financial problems for the government.Instead think of better ways how can you voice out the problems to the government and let us remember that peace is a better solution that violence.

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