Tuesday, November 2, 2010

_of Insanity while Doing Evidence Assignments

  While doing essays for "Burden of Proof" and "Confessions and Improperly-Obtained Evidence", my mind wanders a lot. 

This happens now...

Random Thoughts in My Mind

 -> This happened a few minutes ago. Mom (in the "re-impersonation" of seduction) called me and asked, "Would you like to go to IKEA now? We are going to shop."

 -> This happens most frequently. Considering the many many MANY pages of Allen's Practical Guide to Evidence that I need to read in order to do THREE essays, this is the only conclusion I have obtained so far.

 -> This explains the state I am in, right now.

 -> This will happen by the time I finish the essays, when or if I finish them.

 -> This is a VERY random thought. ^_^

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