Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The New Yahoo Contributor Network

Yahoo will open a new network for writers,photographers, and videographers.This is a big break for freelancers to join the network because they can have access in Yahoo news,finance,sports, and homepage.They will lunch this new network on Monday  named " Yahoo! Contributor Network".

They describe this network as an "evolution" of Associated Content.This new content will depend on the visitors or the people visiting the site everyday and those content contributors who will participate on this event.

Yahoo also connected with new writers and editors  so that they can give more original content for the new network.Yahoo is innovating the web browsing experience of all the people in the world with this new network with original content and new system.

Freelance writers,photographers, and videographers has now the chance to contribute to yahoo in this new platform and we will be waiting what will happen in this new network and how will the net people will respond to this.

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