Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shane Mosley vs Manny Pacquiao next year?

Could be this fight be done next year?They say it can be done on October 17,2011  but everything is in negotiation.We all know that Shane Mosley is one of the best fighter in the United States today next year he will be 38 years old could age be a factor in winning?or the skills of a fighter?Can Shane Mosley defeat Manny in 142 pounds meaning Shane Mosley will weigh down in order to fight Manny.Manny has nothing to prove in going up to full welter weight since he has prove it already that he can fight big guys.Shane will only drop atleast 5 pounds for the fight could this be a hindrance for his boxing skills?

Surely all the fight of Manny brings money to his opponent and also to Manny but this fight is more than the money its honor and glory for the best fighter in the world.This will be a clash of the best fighters in the land.For sure there will be no problem in Manny's side because like what he always say he will fight anyone that is being a true champion.You need to think early as now on who will you be your fighter Shane Mosley or Manny Pacquiao?

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