Tuesday, November 9, 2010

_of Sneak Peek and Books Update

  I am a bit busy these days. Will do some posts on Death Place, An-evening-of-KLCC and A-few-hours-with-a-niece soon. Just you wait and see. ^_^

 -> This has nothing to do with the fact that I am writing a full post about a Sneak Peek now.

 -> Patience is a virtue which I was not blessed with, but which I think EVERONE should have. Erk?

  By the way, I've added MORE books into the Private Library Collection. This time around, there is the Miscellaneous Part II. I am still busy trying to find a series of book that suits me. So far, I have finished buying those Terry Pratchett ones. I really really REALLY need to find some new ones, or else I will be bored to death pretty much sooner than I expected.

 -> NB (derived from the word "nota bene"): I am NOT looking like this. At least not at all times.

  -> This is purely miscellaneous.

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