Wednesday, November 24, 2010

William Martinez was rushed in the hospital

William Martinez suffered from a stroke and was rushed to St.Luke Medical Center last Monday morning.He is in the intensive care unit for further test and observation.His wife Yayo Aguila was  in the hospital taking care of him.As of today the condition of William Martinez is stable.

There are many rumors about William Martinez that he is using drugs and alcohol and it became one of the cause of there split up with his wife Yayo Aguila.But still Yayo is there when his husband is suffering from stroke.

Health is wealth for everyone we need to be conscious in what we eat and do.Healthy lifestyle is one factor that causes stroke or any related disease.Sometimes we tend to forget what is right when we enjoy what we are doing but in the end we realize that you shouldn't done that.Taking care of yourself is one way of respecting yourself.So if you want to prevent this things from happening to you start as early as now.

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