Friday, November 26, 2010

_of Jumbled Thoughts

_of Coffee + Holiday...

 -> Yeah, right.

  -> It is The Time of The Year again (sigh). Let's just hope no more any SURPRISING news, shall we?

 -> And while we are at it, like usual, I will not go back to my hometown this year. I don't know, there is just some laziness when the day comes. I will be a sticky-pan soon, if this continues.

 -> This I will wholeheartedly agree. Nothing in my life dictionary indicates "Coffee is The New Black" or "Coffee is The Rule" or anything else like that. I must be a weird person.

_of Free Pizza Coupons...

 -> Sometimes, Q.L. and I do get lucky. We have free Domino's Pizza (!!!) coupons for several times in a row. But now that I have denounce pizzas of all sorts, I do not think the coupons will do me any good.

Might as well give it to an Igor. MuaahahaHAHAHA. 

_of Holiday (Part II)...

  -> I heard of this tradition before. They said you will get very lucky for a while if you manage to catch the first snowflake of the year. Well, that is easy-peasy for those who have winter seasons in THEIR country. WHAT ABOUT ME???!!!

_of Life in College...

 -> I wish the subjects are this easy to explain.

 -> We learned this in Evidence, if I am not mistaken. Oh no... I did this for my essay in Evidence, read it in the Allen's book, by the way. The brief notes given to us are pretty funny. And I mean, funny in a FUNNY way.

_of What Will Happen Next...

 -> This is, apparently, a damn-good advice. ^_^

_of Q.L....

 -> This is THE famous painting of "The Scream" by Edvard Munch.

 -> This is how Q.L. looks when she yawns. Notice the difference yet?

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